Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Arrival– Doors will open at 7:20 a.m.
Walkers & Bike Riders:
All walkers and bike riders will enter the building through the front entrance. There will be sidewalks available for them from either direction on the street. There are also bike racks located on both sides of the building, so the students should use the bike racks closest to them when arriving on the school property. There will be teachers to monitor the students once they get on the property.
Bike riders should walk their bikes across the street with the crossing guard and should always walk their bikes when on school property. This is for their safety as well as the safety of others.
Buses & Daycares:
All buses, both district buses and daycare buses, will drop off and pick up students from the front of the building. Staff members will be on duty to assist and monitor all students who arrive in the front.
Car Riders:
Car riders will be dropped off and picked up via the circle drive in the back of the building. Upon entering the school property, please move forward in one single file line as you circle around to the pick-up area. Staff members will be on duty to assist students exiting vehicles once they enter the designated drop off zones. Therefore, we ask parents to remain in their vehicles at this time.
In order to expedite the arrival and dismissal process, we ask that all students please be ready to exit the car when they arrive on campus. This includes making sure coats are on and buttoned, backpacks are zipped and on student’s backs, breakfast has been finished, and good-byes have been said. We also ask that you please drop off all large items after 8:00 a.m. in the front office.
Walkers & Bike Riders:
Students who walk or ride their bikes to and from school will be dismissed to the soccer fields or through the art hall. Students will not be dismissed through the front doors.
Buses & Daycares:
All bus riders and daycares will be dismissed through the front doors of the school.
Car Riders:
All students who will be car riders will exit the building with their designated grade levels. Students will stay in their grade level groups until their names are called and they go to the cone for pickup. Sibling groups will unite once their name is called. We understand that this is a change, but it is safest for students to stay with their grade levels so we can find them easier if needed. Please let your children know of this change.
Additionally, please be sure that school issued car tags are hanging from rearview mirrors. Car tags will be provided at Stop & Drop and during the 1st week of school. If possible, we ask that car seats that will be used by Lakeview students be on the passenger side of all vehicles. This will allow students to safely enter and leave your vehicles directly on the sidewalk. We will have teachers assist students into the cars, so that you do not have to get out of your vehicle.
We will load 8 cars at a time and once all 8 cars are loaded a teacher will then direct the traffic to move. Please do not begin driving until you are directed to do so by the teacher at the front of the line with the stop sign.